miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016

POST #eight

Now I am at my 7th semester, but cause of the "revolution" (it's a joke haha), but cause of political contingency and mobilization of university, this semester has been very uneven. Despite that, I have very interesting subjects, some are more theoretical, but others are more practical, one of them is: Script, and cause the fourth year in the career focuses on television, this workshop also has a television script approach, and that it's so interesting.

In this class, work in groups on writing a script for a one season with four chapters of a fiction tv serie. We learned about dramaturgic theory, how to develop a conflict, building tridimensional characters and the differences between, films style versus television style. I like this subject because I think is so important learned about tv rules, finally it is where most labor matters and is a communicational space as filmmakers tend to miss.

When writing for movies you must privileged aspects like atmosphera, rythm and not say everything literally. In tv writing is the opposite, the conflicts and dramatic twists must be understood quickly, because when you watch TV you can change the channel whenever you want.

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