miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016


Years pass and the technology is advancing quickly, now social networks are part of us, and in this context is very important that education be updated too, which is why it seems very appropriate to use tools such as a blog in English class. 

Have a blog was a great experience, because it was useful to practice writing in english about random topics. I think now my ability to express ideas, use verbal times or tenses, are better than the beggining of semester, and my vocabulary and orthography increassed a lot. Hip hip hurray for that!! 

Maybe in the future this blog incluiding videos or selfie videos entrys, where the students talk about random topics, with the objective to practice oral expression and pronunciation, a great idea!!

The topics about we wrote this semester were varied, the ones I liked were talk about my pet, talk about a photography taken by me and talk about technology objects, I would have liked to write about countries or cities to travel.

The best way to learn a new languaje is to practice and practice and practice and practice and practice again, there is no other way, now to the winter holidays will travel to the united states, I hope that everything I learned this semester serves to me for communicate fluently with other people.

POST #eight

Now I am at my 7th semester, but cause of the "revolution" (it's a joke haha), but cause of political contingency and mobilization of university, this semester has been very uneven. Despite that, I have very interesting subjects, some are more theoretical, but others are more practical, one of them is: Script, and cause the fourth year in the career focuses on television, this workshop also has a television script approach, and that it's so interesting.

In this class, work in groups on writing a script for a one season with four chapters of a fiction tv serie. We learned about dramaturgic theory, how to develop a conflict, building tridimensional characters and the differences between, films style versus television style. I like this subject because I think is so important learned about tv rules, finally it is where most labor matters and is a communicational space as filmmakers tend to miss.

When writing for movies you must privileged aspects like atmosphera, rythm and not say everything literally. In tv writing is the opposite, the conflicts and dramatic twists must be understood quickly, because when you watch TV you can change the channel whenever you want.

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2016


Part 1
- My footprint is 3.22 metric tons
- The average footprint for people in Chile is 3.87 metric tons.

Part 2
Hand washing dishes can use up to 50 % more of water than using an efficient dishwasher.
Only about 8 % of global energy comes from renewables.
- False
- Yes, It is not the only material, but it's the cleanest option. the most friendly with enviroment.

Part 3
1. Crush plastic bottles to use less space.

2. Minimize the waist I created.

3. Separated garbage.



Today I will talk about a website I visit frequently which I really like.
Link: https://www.youtube.com

This page is related to my career, because studying cinema goes beyond making movies or tv programs, and i think my career is about being able to understand the audio visual language to build and practice it.

Youtube is a global-sharing website, anyone can upload videos to youtube, therefore it becomes a collaborative online library. The appearance of the page is simple and intuitive to use. At the top there is search engine, you can also access with your google account, then youtube recommends different videos according your tastes, customize playlists, follow channels, comment videos, etc.

I can say I visit this website daily, because I use youtube for differents needs, for example: to listen to music, to watch series or movies, to learn about random topics and, of course, to watch funny videos.

At last, I like this website because I think it's important, at this times, to have a virtual audiovisual library, where you can keep all the contents that are created, or most of them time. I think that youtube is quite extensive despite it's censorships policies.

Bonus!! a great video from youtube!!!

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2016

Couscous Salad ¡Pure Alchemy!

I really like food, I prefer the eating part more than to prepare it, because I'm a little bit of an impatient person. There is a dish that I really like, because it's tasty, nutritious, healthy and also very easy to prepare: The couscous salad The best thing about this recipe is that you can prepare it whatever way you like, choosing from the millions of vegetables that are combining them with incredible results. pure alchemy! Here I leave the recipe for the preparation of this salad that I like: Ingredients: - 1 cup couscous - 1 cup water - 1 avocado - 1 tomato - 1 carrot - 1 cup black beans - 1 tablespoon butter 1 .- prepare the couscous! It is very simple, and best of all, the couscous is very cundidor. We put 1 cup couscous in a bowl, add 1 cup of boiling water and let stand 2 to 3 minutes. We stir a little (we can see that the number and size has increased enough) and add a tablespoon of butter and salt to taste. 2 .- Cut the avocado, tomato and carrot in little cubes. 3 .- Mix in a bowl couscous, avocado, tomato, carrot and black beans. 4 .- Dressing is! here depends on the taste of each, I like to add sick lemon and olive oil. 5 .- Eat until you drop!

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016


I took this picture the last summer, and it shows a cow eating seaweed at the beach in a wonderful day.
It was taken last year in february at cole-cole beach, Chiloe, at the end of a trip that I made with some friends to the south of chile. 

In this trip we visited diferent places, we started in Santiago and then we went to the Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, we camped there for four nights, at the day we cooked, we swam in the lake, and walked across the diferents routes into the park. One week after starting from Santiago we went to Puerto Montt to meet with a friend and then with her we went to Alerce Andino National Park. Finally we went to Chiloe, I think it was the best part of the trip. Chiloe it's so beatiful, the food it's awesome, and the landscapes are overwhelming. Cole-Cole was the final destination of the trip, we were there for five days, surrounded by nature, next to the beach and forest.
I really like this photo, probably because I feel that conveys the tranquility of the place and also the magic that is only found in nature.

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016


My pet is a dog and he's called Chibi. He was born at 2002, fourteen years ago, and he lives with us since then. When he was a puppy he had a lot of energy, but the years passed and now he is old, and I think he's a little senile, for example, sometimes he's in the garden of my house and runs directly to the closed window, colliding with it.

Three or four years ago, he escaped and he was lost for seven days, he is a bit impulsive and loves to run, and he can run too fast and too far, for a long time, and because of that, that time he had not idea where he was. I pasted a few posters with his photo and after a few days a men called me and said: "Hey, I found your dog", but when we went to pick him, he was too skinny, and he had his leg broken, and he had to use a plaster bandage for a few months. Now he has a crooked leg, that is sad :c

He's little, and he has a coiled tail. Also, he's so soft, maybe this is one of the best things of my dog, he's really really soft, and he's friendly with people, but it is very aggressive with other dogs, so he doesn't have many friends, a good metaphor to describe it, is the image of a lonely, very wise and traditional chinese grandfather, who lives in his old sacred temple and loves rice, and all the typical chinese things. In other words I can say that my dog is like my grandfather, i don't understand it but I love it, I really love it.

jueves, 21 de abril de 2016

Third entry: Technology!!

Choose only one piece of technology is very difficult, because I really like technology, but some times I hate it, i could say that my relationship with technology is complicated. Because of my career, is important for me to know about different elements of technology, how to use a computer, or how to use a camera, or a edit program, etc, on the other hand I really like nature, and i know that technology and progress and economic growing and all the stupid things that people do, attempt every day against nature and our world and all creatures live there.

Now I must do this entry for my english class, so I choose to talk about TV it is not because I like it but because I thing that TV it's so interesting social and culture phenomenon, if you think, you discover is so magic thing, it is actually a box with cables, and atoms and a lot of thing i do not understand, that thanks to the miracles of science images appear on the screen, holy modernity!!

In my house exist a TV since I can recall, when I was little, I watched a lot of TV, the years passed and I kept growing up and I watched less and less TV, now I could say I watch TV once or twice a week, and I watch specifically programs like criminal minds or turkish soap operas (everybody loves turkish soap operas!!), for example: fatmagul, a great one!

My life without TV it would be fantastic.

viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

Second entry: My career

When I was a little girl I dreamed about growing up and become an icecreamer because I wanted to eat all icecreams, but my mother explained to me that was impossible because ice cream can not be the center of my life. My mother is a wise person. The years passed and I keep growing up and I developped a new dream: become a veterinary, and save all the animals of the world, specifically seals and bears and foxes, etc, because animals are really important theme in my life. 

At elementary school I knew other interestings areas, like art, physical, language, photography, history, etc. and after I graduated from school, I had a disjunction between art or cinema, I thought a lot of this, finally I decided to study cinema and dedicate my life to comunication and creation, exploring a new language, writing with images and sound, using the photogram like letter for making sense.

Now with perspective I can say that decision was a good idea, because I am very happy with my life right now. Related to this I want to share a really beauty phrase of Jodorowsky that says: "Always do , because if you do, you'll regret it , and if you do and you're wrong, at least you learned something".

martes, 12 de abril de 2016

First Entry: My Autobiography

Hello everyone, let me tell you a little story, the story of my life!

My name is Macarena Ortiz, I was born in Santiago of Chile, in november tweenty eight of 1994. My mother and my father were born in Bolivia, in a city called Cochabamba, cause of that, me and my family (mother, father and a little brother) have traveled to Bolivia many times in our lifes, to visit our family there.

For elementary and high school, I passed for just one school called Epullay Montessori, it is a very nice place, then I decided to study Cinema and TV at the University of Chile, right now I cursed my fourth year, and I like my career a lot.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2016

First Activity - Logo

I choose this image to create my logo, because it have three elements that I thing represent me.

First it is a dinosaur. that means I like old things, also it is made of pixels, because I like tecnology and computer, by last it is green representing I like nature.
